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Epidemiology, Biostatistics and Prevention Institute

Matthias Schwenkglenks

Matthias Schwenkglenks, Prof. Dr., MPH

  • Project Leader
+41 44 63 44704

Short Biography

Matthias Schwenkglenks has been responsible for health economics at the EBPI
since 2010. He is also Head of Research at the Institute of Pharmaceutical Medicine (ECPM) of the University of Basel, Switzerland, since 2003. He obtained a Master
of Arts in Sociology and Political Sciences, a Master of Public Health, a PhD in Epidemiology, and has professional experience in intensive care nursing. He
received the Venia legendi in “Health Economics and Public Health” (University
of Zürich, 2009) and was appointed Titular Professor in 2016. Research interests
are in health economics, health services research, epidemiology, and biostatistics.