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I studied Statistics at the Ludwig-Maximilians-University in Munich, Germany. In my diploma thesis I worked on the imputation of missing values in cancer registry space-time data caused by confidentiality regulations using MCMC and simulated annealing.
From March 2007 until July 2009 I worked at the Division of Biostatistics, IFSPM, at the University of Zurich as a research associate. Since then I have been working at the Unit of Demography and Health Statistics at the IFSPM (now Epidemiology Department at EBPI). From July 2013 until December 2014 I had a position as postdoctoral scholar at the Applied Statistics Group at the Institute of Mathematics of the University of Zurich. Additionally, I work as an assistant lecturer at the Biostatistics Department.
My PhD thesis “Predictive Crossvalidation and Baseline Correction in Mixed Models for Longitudinal Data” under the supervision of Prof. Leonhard Held was completed in 2013.
Julia Braun in ZORA (Zurich Open Repository and Archive)