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Alexia Anagnostopoulos is specialized in internal medicine and infectious diseases and holds a Master of Public Health degree from the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, Baltimore, Maryland, USA.
During her clinical work as an infectious diseases physician, Alexia developed an interest in epidemiology and biostatistical analyses mainly within observational cohort studies. She therefore pursued her public health degree with focus on epidemiology/biostatistics and worked on projects in several cohort studies (Swiss HIV Cohort Study, AIDS Linked to the Intravenous Experience Cohort Study, Vascular Graft Infection (VASGRA) Cohort Study). After joining EBPI, Alexia’s focus extended to travel medicine and public health-related projects. She played an active role in the pandemic public health response of EBPI and the extension of the institute’s public services.
Alexia got her Venia legendi in Infectious Diseases and Public Health and is continuing her clinical and scientific work at EBPI.