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Institut für Epidemiologie, Biostatistik und Prävention

EBPI Colloquium „Global Health“ Series is launched

On 17th January, 2018 the new EBPI Colloquium “Global Health” Spring Series will start. We invited speakers from Switzerland and abroad to get an idea of global public health relevant topics.
Our first guest scientist is Andrew D. Kambugu from the Makerere University Kampala, Uganda who will give some insights on HIV co-infections. In March 2018, James P. Wirth and Nicolai Petry from GroundWork, Switzerland will concentrate on the global burden of anemia and Niklaus Labhardt from the Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute, Switzerland will focus on HIV care in Sub-Saharan Africa, in April 2018.
We are looking forward to meeting these high-class speakers!

 The detailed program including titles, dates and times can be watched here.
