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Epidemiology, Biostatistics and Prevention Institute

A global survey of the future of work

Digitalization is rapidly changing the nature of work, causing concern for how these changes will impact people. But how do people across the globe think and feel about future of work? Do they anticipate opportunities for shaping their future? How does this differ by country and by culture (e.g., individualism vs collectivism)? Addressing these questions will allow society to better prepare people for coming challenges.

In this project, we investigate people’s beliefs and emotions about work today and in the future. Then, building on research about (job) crafting, we examine the agency that people possess for pro-actively shaping the future of work (“future crafting”). Studying these three elements (beliefs, emotions, and agency) allows us to understand the actions people will eventually take regarding the future.

This project fosters a greater understanding of how digitalization and the changing world of work are shaping society at a global level and can help identify ways that society could be better prepared for digitalization as well as potential problems (e.g., gender inequalities). This aligns with the DSI’s goal to encourage critical reflection on digitalization-driven developments.

The study involves a global survey recruiting 17,500 participants from 35 countries across six continents. The study received seed funding from the Digital Society Initiative at the University of Zurich.

Research areas:

  • Future of work
  • Digitalization
  • Job crafting
  • Emotions
  • Culture

For more information please visit the project website:
Digital Society Initiative Community - Work
Digital Society Initiative

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